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Melissa Borror is an accomplished dressage rider and trainer based in Northeast Ohio. After her first ride at 7 years old, Melissa explored a variety of equestrian disciplines, including saddle seat, showmanship, breeding, hunter/jumpers, the Arabian show circuit, and even side-saddle riding. Melissa continues her lifelong love of learning as a professional dressage rider, working with coach Lauren Tisdale of Transitions Dressage LLC.


Melissa is also a caring and insightful coach. Her clients and students love her clear communication, tailored teaching style, and elevation of the horse's capabilities and wellbeing. Melissa works with riders at all stages of development, from kids in their first leadline classes to adult amateurs and young professionals. Melissa teaches privately at barns in Northeast Ohio. She is also a Lake Erie College Intercollegiate Dressage Team coach, leading the team to multiple national competitions.


Melissa exhibits as an individual with her Westfalen mare, Fiderhelm, and client horses. In 2023, Melissa earned her USDF Silver Medal with Fiderhelm.


Swing by Stanley Arabians (Novelty, OH), Fair Weather Farm, or USDF Region 2/Northern Ohio Dressage Association competitions to see Melissa at work!

Selected Awards & Honors

USDF Silver Medal

USDF Bronze Bar

USDF Bronze Medal

Coach, Lake Erie College Intercollegiate Dressage Team

Reserve Champion, Arabian Sporthorse National Championships


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